#7: 10 Steps to Create a Killer LinkedIn Profile
May 19, 2021
Welcome to the Career Hacker Mini series. These are really short episodes. I get straight to the point and tackle real-world challenges among career hackers in less than 10 minutes.
In this episode, we're discussing the 10 Steps to Create a Killer LinkedIn Profile. An optimized LinkedIn profile will ensure that you get noticed over and over again with opportunities coming your way 24/7.
This trick is by far one of my top secrets. And it’s one of the main reasons I have not applied for a job in over seven years. Anyone on any level looking to attract recruiters, hiring managers, or even investors get actionable steps to improve your profile.
For those that would like to get more details or simply get a visual, we created a mini-guide. Find the link below.
- 01:00 - How to Create a Killer LinkedIn Profile
- 01:32 - Ten Steps
- 01:38 - Step 1: Profile Picture
- 02:06 - Step 2: Tag Line
- 02:45 - Step 3: Summary
- 03:37 - Step 4: Work Experience
- 04:04 - Step 5: Multimedia
- 04:35 - Step 6: Education
- 05:06 - Step 7: Side/Volunteering Projects
- 05:33 - Step 8: References/Testimonials and asking for Recommendations
- 06:23 - Step 9: Skills Endorsement
- 06:53 - Step 10: URL
- 07:22 - Quick Review
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Here is the link to the mini-guide: www.careerhackeracademy.com/10-steps-linkedin-profile-miniguide